If you provide products or services to community associations, CAI can give you direct access to thousands of potential customers. Membership also provides opportunities to enhance current client relationships and information to help you succeed in the growing community association marketplace. Membership includes automatic enrollment in one of CAI's chapters based on zip code. Look through our list of CAI chapters to find one in your area.
CAI Business Partner members include attorneys, accountants, insurance professionals, reserve providers, bankers/lenders, builder/developers, realtors, software providers, landscapers, roofers and many others.
Employees of your company are considered affiliates of your membership and can receive member benefits as well. To qualify as an affiliate, the employee must be a direct employee of the member company. Affiliates receive access to the website www.caionline.org, member discounts on event registrations, publications and the opportunity to serve on committees and boards. Only the primary contact for each Business Partner membership has the right to vote in elections; affiliate members do not have voting rights.
Membership dues are non-refundable.